POs, PEOs & PSOs

1B01CSC Introduction to Computers & Programming Languages (Credits: 3)

CO 1: To know the working principle of a computer.
CO 2: To analyze the problem and write algorithm and flowchart.
CO 3: To impart skills to enable students to use digital knowledge resources in learning.
Measuring Method: Assignment & Examination

2B02CSC Advanced Programming in C (Credits: 2)

CO 1: To develop c programs using advanced constructs.
CO 2: To design algorithm for solving a programming problems.
CO 3: Develop skill in programming.
Measuring Method: Practical, Assignment & Examination

2B02CSC Advanced Programming in C (Credits: 2)

CO 1: To develop c programs using advanced constructs.
CO 2: To design algorithm for solving a programming problems.
CO 3: Develop skill in programming.
Measuring Method: Practical, Assignment & Examination

3A11CSC Programming with C++ (Credits: 4)

CO 1: Introduce concepts such as classes and objects.
CO 2: Define and use classes and objects using C++ language.
CO 3: Introduce OOPs concepts such as inheritance and polymorphism and their implementation.
Measuring Method: Practical, Assignment & Examination

3A12CSC Digital Electronics (Credits: 4)

CO 1: To introduce student to basic concepts of digital logic.
CO 2: To introduce students to the design of basic logic circuits.
CO 3: To introduce students to some commonly used combinational and sequential circuits.
Measuring Method: Assignment & Examination

3B04CSC Data Structure (Credits: 4)

CO 1: To introduce the concept of analysis of algorithms and ability to compare algorithms based on.
CO 2: Time and space complexity.
CO 3: To familiarize with selected linear and nonlinear data structures.
Measuring Method: Practical, Assignment & Examination

4A13CSC Database Management System (Credits: 4)

CO 1: Introduce the fundaments of Data Base Management System.
CO 2: Skill in designing database.
CO 3: Familiarization of different DBMS models.
Measuring Method: Practical, Assignment & Examination

4A14CSC Operating System (Credits: 4)

CO 1: Familiarize with basics of design of operating systems.
CO 2: Introduce basic working process of operating systems.
CO 3: To understand the importance process and scheduling.
Measuring Method: Assignment & Examination

4B05CSC C# and .NET Programming (Credits: 4)

CO 1: To expose students to current trends and styles in programming.
CO 2: To familiarize simple, modern, general-purpose, object-oriented programming language.
Measuring Method: Practical, Assignment & Examination

5B08CSC Software Engineering (Credits: 4)

CO 1: Understand the basic processes in software Development life cycle.
CO 2: Familiarize with different models and their significance.
CO 3: Approach software development in a systematic way.
Measuring Method: Assignment & Examination

5B09CSC Web Technology (Credits: 3)

CO 1: To enable students to program for the World Wide Web using HTML, JavaScript, PHP,MSQL.
CO 2: To impart basic knowledge in relational databases, SQL and , Client-server model.
CO 3: To create static and dynamic web pages PHP and My SQL.
Measuring Method: Practical, Assignment & Examination

5B10CSC Java Programming (Credits: 4)

CO 1: To review Object Oriented Programming concepts.
CO 2: To learn concept of Object Oriented Programming using Java.
CO 3: To develop skill in java programming.
Measuring Method: Practical, Assignment & Examination

5B11CSC Linux Administration (Credits: 3)

CO 1: Introduce Linux working environment.
CO 2: Understand how install and configure Linux.
CO 3: Learn how to write shell scripts.
Measuring Method: Practical, Assignment & Examination

6B13CSC System Software (Credits: 3)

CO 1: Introduce formal language processing activities.
CO 2: Basic idea of assembly language programming and role of assembler.
CO 3: Insight into Design of assemblers and macro processors.
Measuring Method: Assignment & Examination

6B14CSC Data Communication & Networks (Credits: 3)

CO 1: To understand state-of-the-art in network protocols, architectures and application.
CO 2: To acquire knowledge about different computer networks.
CO 3: To understand the use of layer architecture for networking systems.
Measuring Method: Assignment & Examination

6B15CSC Computer Organization (Credits: 3)

CO 1: To introduce the basic terminology of computer hardware.
CO 2: To familiarize the functional units of a computer system.
CO 3: To understand the basic operation of a computer system.
Measuring Method: Assignment & Examination

6B14CSC Data Communication & Networks (Credits: 3)

CO 1: To understand state-of-the-art in network protocols, architectures and application.
CO 2: To acquire knowledge about different computer networks.
CO 3: To understand the use of layer architecture for networking systems.
Measuring Method: Assignment & Examination

PSO 1: Understand the concepts of Hardware, System Software and Application Software.
PSO 2: Understand the concepts of Networks and Distributed Computing.
PSO 3: Design, develop, implement and test software systems to meet the given specifications, following the principles of Software Engineering.
PSO 4: Understand the concepts of emerging trends in Computer Science and Applications.
Measuring Method: Examination, Project Evaluation, Course Viva, Lab Performance.