Dr. Biju Joseph
Dear Students, Alumni, Colleagues, and friends Greetings from St Pius X College Rajapuram I am extremely delighted to welcome you to St. Pius
X College Rajapuram, an abode of knowledge built
by the fore-fathers of the Arch Eparchy of Kottayam
to uplift the people of an under developed region. St. Pius X College is a fruit of the belief that social
transformation and development are possible
through educating and empowering people. This
‘educational ashram’, as pointed out by the first
NAAC peer team in 2005, has been earnestly
working hard during the last twenty five years to
attain the dreams of its founders. From its inception in 1995 onwards, the College is very selective in offering courses that are unique and
reflective of the changing times. We are very proud to say that, as pioneers in offering Microbiology course
at under graduate level, we could guide many students to the vistas of higher levels in this field of science
and convert them into significant contributors at international level. We are blessed with alumni who did
their higher education from world renowned institutions like London School of Economics after graduating
from this rural institution. We have been empowering and transforming lives of many under privileged
during the last twenty five years. The college provides exciting educational opportunities for students from all backgrounds and locations.
The faculty and staff are dedicated professionals who excel in their respective fields. The institution also
offers sufficient chances to students to get involved in various extra-curricular activities through the plethora
of programmes, activities and clubs functioning in the campus. The commitment of St. Pius X College to provide quality education is evident through its readiness to
undergo assessment and accreditation processes stipulated by the UGC, the statutory agency in higher
education. We are the pioneers in Kasargod district to undergo NAAC assessment in 2005. Further, we are
the only higher education institution in the district to complete the third cycle of assessment and
accreditation. We are proud to say that we could attain and retain A Grade in the previous two consecutive
assessments by the NAAC. We, the St. Pius X family offer ourselves with renewed vigour and commitment to the service of the
humanity as reflected in the motto of the College - ‘Pro Deo Et Populo’ (‘For God and for People’).