The college stands for Patriotism, Love and Social commitment. The institution envisions its students to come out of this college as patriotic citizens, with a loving heart and socially committed human beings.
Patriotism is a feeling of love, devotion and a sense of attachment to the home land. There are a number of activities organized by the college to instill this value into the students. The activities of the college come to a close by reciting the national anthem daily. All the days of national importance like Independence Day, Republic Day, and Human Rights Day etc. are observed with special activities, thus inculcating within the students, devotion and vigorous support towards the nation. We have a very active NCC unit in our college giving leadership in abiding to this value.
"If you wish to be loved, love" says the Roman philosopher Seneca. Love is a fundamental value. ‘Love of God and Love of neighbor’ are the values that the institution holds from its vey inception. All the activities of the college are centered around this value. It is this value that unites all the stake - holders of the college. The institution is known popularly as ‘St Pius family’ and the members of the institution keep a very warm relationship among themselves.
Social commitment reflects in all the extension activities of the college. It is an outgrowth of love. In the preamble of the college, it is clearly mentioned ‘We stand committed to ‘instill into the students scientific temper, so as to be bloomed as knowledgeable, competent, socially committed and patriotic citizens to uphold the various challenges of the world’. There are a number of activities under the leadership of NSS and other clubs carrying out regularly to propagate the message of love and charity.